im sorry mason most of the similar characters are girls so almost all the example move pictures are girls except for the ones that are gifs.
small:good ranged jab but has slower startup than most.
press small again (up to 2x) for this little vertical swipe.
medium:a slash that hits twice.
side-order (counter):launcher
crouch small: jabs with the handle of his cane. his fastest normal, but obviously lacks a lot of the range of most others.
crouch medium: huuuge poke. hazel leans backwards and stabs.
crouch large: a big sweep. beware the startup time.
jump small:little punch. good for stopping jumping approaches.
jump medium: elbow. good jump-in.
jump large:
universal overhead: a unique feature of hazel's UOH is that he can begin a normal chain if it connects, but he cannot link back into a second overhead. this is for obvious reasons.
: massive anti air
: Cashew Slashew. essentially a sword shoryuken. a sword-yuken if you will.
: Class Warfare. all versions cause hard knockdown.
A version: high, horizontal spin. B: low, ankle swipe. C: overhead, hilt smack.
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